Friday, July 11, 2008

Welcome to the Suburban Economic Investor

Hi there, and welcome to the SEI.

Why start the Suburban Economic Investor?

It took me a long time to work out that I was responsible for my own wealth, my own time, my own investments, my own career. About a decade in fact ... what a waste. Such lost opportunity. Over the last 8 years I've been on a knowledge quest in all areas covering the economy, investing, asset classes, business cycles and financial literacy. I think I've come a long way and want to share that information.

My main reason for sharing is to spare readers the lost opportunity that I (and my generation) have endured. I also have an eye to the next generation, particularly my two children who hopefully will be really getting into this blog circa 2014. I've got a lot of work to do between now and then.

So what is the Suburban Economic Investor about?

The SEI has two main themes.
  1. SEI contains a concise series of blogs/articles that cover all the essential information one needs to truly make independent investment, financial and career decisions.
  2. SEI surveys the global economy monthly, providing a concise information on the current state and future implications.
By combining these two themes, economic and investing theory with current economic state, readers should be able to form a good global picture and make informed decisions.

What does economics and investing have to do with wealth?

Here are my two simple definitions for economics and investing:
  • Economics - relates to the allocation of scarce resources with alternative uses.
  • Investing - relates to the allocation of scarce resources to enhance personal wealth
  • Wealth - relates to the total value of an individuals possessions (friends, experiences, love, money, skills)
  • Resources - time, capital (or money), energy, physical items, ideas
Whether we are aware of it or not, we invest our scarce resources using economic principles, in the hope that we will improve our overall wealth. If you don't know about economic, investing or wealth principles you may be missing out on some personal wealth.

How do I best use the Suburban Economic Investor?

I aim to publish around 1-2 articles per week, plus a quality monthly summary on the state of the global economy. The idea is that articles on this blog should explain the concepts covered in the global summary.

I recommend you visit my blog weekly, or link up via the RSS setting the article count to 1-2. Send my link to those you know that would like to learn more about the economy, investing and wealth; as well as the current state of the economy. If there is anything you'd like to know more about, drop me a message. I'll get around to publishing something on it.

Eventually you'll be full bottle on this stuff and getting into blogs from real economists and investors. When you do, be sure to share the link.


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